Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week 3

This week is special because FINALLY, we have real proper guests on our show!! This is the defining moment and milestone in our DJ career, our first ever guests!! Happening in our 3rd season.. and Let's introduce the honoured guests..

The Pie Sorority Sisterhood

That's really how we looked like on the day of recording.. On better days (more glam days), this is how we look like..

Honestly, if you ask me, more often than not, we look like the first picture.. however we do have some style and therefore we can be considered quite glam too..

You must be wondering why I've been saying 'we' for all these, well you probably figured it out anyway.. Tina and I are part of the sisterhood..

So why The Pie Sorority Sisterhood?
Apurva: Because you love pies?
Yanice: Because we love to eat.. Definitely..

But on their website (which according to them is secret because of certain reasons which cannot be disclosed either), this is what's written:

Basically this is a sorority of sisters who adores food. Started off as old jokes, it developed into a common passion which was so influential, that people are attracted by the simple love and joy obtained from indulging one’s self.

Honestly, this sisterhood transpired in the hippest coffee hangout in town, which cannot be named to protect the guilty. Over 1 cup of hot Caffe Latte, 1 Venti-sized Dulce de Leche Frappuccino and 1 steaming hot but warm Chocolate Cake, and 1 helluva orgasmic sensation, the Pi Sorority sisters were formed.

Pi because, sororities usually involve greek letters, and out of all those, the alphabet which seems to inspire most about food is Pi. Sorority because, we’re females in a university who feels close enough to each other to be called sisters. And hence, the sisterhood.

Each of us have our own style, none of us can define the style, mostly just what we like to wear and what seems nice on us, we'll mix and match them, not forgetting the confidence and we're set to go.

And of course, we love to watch movies, some of us may be louder in the movies than others such that the rest will be a little embarrassed to be seen with some of us.

But let's introduce them one by one:

“Serla” - The Busy Innocent Entertainer

Female, 19

The new addition to the sisterhood did not need any form of validation that she indeed belong to the sisterhood. Her love for food is usually followed by enthusiasms to any suggestion of choice of meal to be consumed. Whatever it is, she’s game for it. And added with her quirky cute tendencies and innocent disposition, she is indeed an entertaining asset to the sisterhood.

“Yanice” - The ‘Glam’ Model

Female, 21

Matches the love for food of her “cousin”, or may even surpass others. However, due to high metabolism rate, induced through her dance trainings, her body shape is maintained in super shape. Added to her petite figure, nobody would dream of her enormous appetite. When in cahoots with her “cousin”, always manages to bully, advice and influence the President to a satisfactory level. A different kind of satisfaction which both enjoys other than the satisfaction derived from their common love interest, food.

“Apurva” - The Matured Critical Almost Food Lover

Female, 19

She is one who is more matured beyond her age, knows more things than the older sisters and loves to tease the President about her"lack of knowledge". She usually goes with the other sister's suggestions on where to eat, but usually makes the other sisters regret what they ordered cause she usually orders something which looks and smells the nicest.

“Tina” - The President

Female, 20

The newly converted species, who is learning to banish her inhibitions when it comes to food. Seems to be loving the journey and though she hyper-ventilates during some orgasmic food moments, she still manages to down her food without losing any enjoyment. This marathon runner manages to keep fit despite her food intake and has tried to influence others who are more laterally challenged to follow in her footsteps. Indeed a worthy leader, setting good examples.

“Michelle” - Chief Editor and Consumer

Female, 20

Loves food so much, that she would rather grow fat than miss out on good food. Fortunately the people around her taunts her to exercise to the extend of using brutal force. At least it keeps her in shape, though honestly her body shape has seen better days. The “cousin” which was mentioned in earlier parts of the introduction.

1. When first created, Coca-Cola was originally:
a. Red
b. Brown
c. Yellow
d. Green

2. Which of these foods actually contains negative calories?
a. Apples
b. Chicken wings, extra hot, extra sauce, extra blue cheese
c. Celery
d. Plain grilled chicken

3. True/False: Drinking ice water burns more Calories than un-chilled water.

a. True
b. False

4. Men crave food high in fat; women crave:
a. Foods high in sugar
b. Spicy foods
c. Foods high in fat, too
d. Chocolate

5. The U.S. has the largest fast food market in the world. Which country comes in second?
a. Mexico
b. Britain
c. India
d. China


1. d. Green! Ew... Nothing like a slime-colored, carbonated drink to quench your thirst. (Editor's note: All right... they got us! Coca-Cola was originally packaged in green bottles, but the actual drink was still brown. Thanks to everyone who pointed this out.)

2. c. Celery -- Celery actual contains zero calories, so you actually use more calories simply chewing it than you take in! If you ask us, there should be more foods like this...

3. a. True -- You use about 17.5 Calories just bring a cup of ice water up to body temperature. So if you drink the recommended 8 glasses a day iced, you could burn an extra 70 calories!

4. d. Chocolate --Shocking, we know. We're guessing "that time of the month" probably skews the results...

5.d. China -- Obviously, if you have 1 billion in your country, it's no wonder you have the second largest market. Not just fastfood, but any food.

French sleeve
In Europe and the USA the French sleeve is the same as a kimono sleeve, but in Japan it indicates a slightly longer sleeve. Also called a Chinese sleeve.

Fourth wall
Refers to the imaginary, illusory invisible plane through which the film viewer or audience is thought to look through toward the action; the fourth wall that separates the audience from the characters is 'broken through' when the barrier between the fictional world of the film's story and the "real world" of the audience is shattered - when an actor speaks directly to the viewers by making an aside

Oh time flies by too fast when you are enjoying what you're doing with the people you love. So see you next week!!

The section we've been neglecting: Films!! of course we won't forget Food and Fashion!

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